
Take the first step on the path to recovery

Find a Drug and Alcohol rehab center!

A brighter future is on the horizon be free from substance misuse.

Take action and strat planning your new future now


Specialist help from healthcare professionals...

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of drug and alcohol abuse!

Welcome to Act on Addiction

Find a drug and alcohol rehab center near me!

We’re here to make finding support for Substance abuse, Addiction and Mental health as easy as possible. We have 50,000+ facilities listed across the United States that offer a range of services such as Rehab, Detoxification, Relapse prevention, Transitional housing, Residential treatment, Group therapy and Counseling to name a few.

Understanding the effect drug addiction has on its victims and families is important and providing specialist support helps to ensure treatment is successful. Drug addiction and Alcohol addiction has devistating impacts on those suffering along.

It's never too late to act! Early intervention can help halt or reverse the physical effects of substance abuse. Don't let drug abuse or alcohol addiction control your life! Get help now from medical professionals.

Seeking help is the first important step on the path to being free from substance abuse. It's time to Act on Addiction!

First steps on the path to recovery

Be free from substance abuse

Act now

Don't delay, act now to break the cycle of addiction and start your path to recovery.

50,000 Facilities

Combined, we have well over 50,000 health facilities listed! Find one near you.

Residential rehab

With facilities offering both inpatient and outpatient rehab it's easy to find suitable treatment.

Ongoing support

Find the right professional to offer ongoing support aiding your recovery from addiction.